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SK EnPurse

Multiform | Milliken

설치 제품 정보

Design Firm



바닥 / 카펫 /  Multiform

Milliken Carpet Multiform has been installed at the SK headquarters located in Jongno-gu, Seoul. Multiform is a collection inspired by the vibrant and dynamic movements on canvas, showcasing passion and intensity. The combination of various patterns and colors within the collection allows for the expression of diverse and fresh impressions.

Carpet for the future

SK는  ESG 정신과 더불어 미래로 나아가는 기업입니다.   지속가능한 성장과 이해관계자의 행복을 위해 사회적 가치를 추구하는 기업에 맞게 프리미엄 카펫인 Milliken의 Patina Compositions을 선택하셨습니다. 

Carpet optimized for office environments

Milliken carpets feature polyurethane cushion backing, which helps absorb sound in the space while reducing muscle fatigue by up to 24%. Additionally, the appropriate surface strength allows for smooth movement of wheels, making it optimized for open office work environments.

Beauty of Creativity

The pattern that resembles painting on a canvas evokes endless creativity and has the effect of transforming the internal atmosphere. The feel and visuals of the pattern stimulate creativity and can provide a special experience that takes you away from the ordinary environment.

Color representing the brand

Each color creates an atmosphere, allowing you to choose Sunny or design with Vital to match your desired image. We have applied the accent colors to match SK Group's brand colors.

"TORNEX, The Eco-Acoustic Excellence For Wellness"

(Tonek's Co., Ltd.) is a company that distributes/manufactures indoor sound solutions and related eco-friendly materials. We utilize the latest technology to optimize indoor acoustics and supply aesthetically pleasing products. We are committed to providing products and services that meet our customers' needs, and we continuously strive for improvement through ongoing research and development.

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